Religious freedom is guaranteed and many religious bodies co-exist peacefully on campus. Two major Muslim umbrella bodies namely The Ahmadiyya Muslim Students Association of Ghana (AMSAG) and The Ghana Muslim Students Association (GMSA) oversee activities of all Muslim groups on campus and regulate their activities. The Scripture Union has oversight responsibility over faithfuls of the Christian Religion. These various denominations have separate services on Sundays and other week days. On special dates of the school however, all Religious group on campus come together to organise joint program.
We believe that although studying is a major part of life here on campus, there should be times to have fun and a cool head to reflect on good things your life here on campus. Outside the classroom there are a number of activities students can engage in. Therefore AMASS has made arrangements so that your dedicated time for social life is also made very comfortable and full of enjoyment. Special time is allocated for social act ivies after school everyday
Students' social life on the campus is organized by the school prefects, house prefects, which also act as liaison between the student body and the Hall authorities in their Halls. The Students' Representative Council (SRC), whose executive is appointed from the prefects and the various classes, is responsible for the co-ordination of the activities of the various Junior Common Room Committees. There are Club and Societies, which provide extra curricula activities for junior members of the particular club or society.
Sports plays an important part of T. I. AMASS-Kumasi academic and non-academic programme. As a result of the need to improve the quality of sportsmen and women, there has been massive investment in sports infrastructure to achieve success;
This is a multi-purpose court that consists of a basketball court, two volleyball court, handball court etc for hand games. This sports facility is used for many sports events for both the School and other professional bodies in the Kumasi Metropolis.
T. I. Amass boasts of a badminton court which is open to students and the teaching and non-teaching staff. It is in between the PTA project behind the teachers block. This facility is used in training school badminton players as well as teaching staff the art of playing. It is equally used for social gatherings and other entertainment programmes.
The saying that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body is held in high in a community like ours. This sports facility is used for many sports events for both the School and other professional bodies in the Kumasi Metropolis. Field events like Discus, javelin and shot put are held on the soccer pitch when the school is organizing Inter-House athletics competition. Physical education class, Inter Class soccer etc all takes place on the soccer pitch.
T. I. Amass treats Student health and well-being with outmost priority. The school therefore has a medical facility that caters for such issues. The school sick bay serves the students and the staff.
Security personnel are located at various vantage points across campus all day and night to ensure the safety of all members of the school community. The mission of the T. I. Amass Security Service is to maintain a safe and secure campus by providing quality policing. To ensure maximum safety however, the staff on school bungalows’ also has a role to play.
Security Tips on Campus
- Remember to lock your trunk and chop box whenever you are leaving your room for class.
- Change promptly the lock in your door when your key is missing; report the incident
- Lock your door when asleep.
- Do not entertain hawkers in the Houses; they may be criminals.
- Beware of the type of friends you entertain in your rooms; they may be predators and criminals.
- Report every unusual occurrence promptly to the security office for immediate assistance.
As students, the largest part of our lives is represented by working on projects, preparing assignments and presentations and of course, the cherry on top of the cake: preparing for exams. With this in mind, I think it is high time to learn how to make the most of all this time spent on studying. Here are some things that you might (or might not) know about study groups…
There are two main reasons why students might avoid taking part in a study group. First, there is a publicly acknowledged reason, represented by the common belief that an isolated environment is necessary for better concentration.
This might be true if you want to learn the material by heart, without processing the information and with the guarantee that you will forget everything by next week! If you want to understand what and why you are studying, the interactive approach is undoubtedly superior.
The second reason is something we are often aware of but refuse to admit. This refers to the fact that when studying in a group, you become vulnerable due to having to face the things you are not so knowledgeable about. As I’ll explain further, this is actually one of the main reasons why you should join a study group.
1. The first argument here is related to the last point about why people are reluctant to form study groups and rather self study. That is, when you are studying in a group there is a higher chance that most of the things you are uncertain about will pop out. As annoying/embarrassing as this might be, it goes without saying that it is better to face your weak points in good time. This way, there will be a much lower probability that the exam will catch you off guard.
2. Secondly, it is often quite hard to understand every detail of the lecture when doing self study. However, some colleagues of yours might have paid more attention to the parts you missed, and so, you can all help tofill in each other’s gaps. And in my experience, the best way to really learn and understand something is through explaining it to others.
3. Thirdly, through their cooperative but also competitive nature, study groups promote critical thinking and creativity as new questions and explanations within discussions and debates. Thus, this interactive environment ensures a much deeper learning of the material that would be missed with self study.
4. Finally, when you are alone, the temptation to procrastinate is incomparably larger than when in an interactive environment. While being alone, you can always find ways to rationalize postponing the start of your studying – you make a cup of tea every hour (telling yourself it’s important to stay hydrated), you check Facebook every five minutes (again, telling yourself you want to see if a classmate posted anything about the exam…).
Although taking breaks is important, all of this dipping in and out of your study mood can only make you lose time, and contribute to the build-up of frustration due to being inefficient.
The above mentioned aspects are obviously not valid for just any kind of study group. Thus, you should be very careful when choosing your “companeros”. Here are some tips to help form an efficient study group:
- Work with the people that motivate and inspire you rather than those that are superficial and only looking for an easy way to get a passing grade.
- Look for those that are alert and focused in class, and that are asking questions but also answering professors’ inquiries.
- “Too many cooks spoil the broth” – meaning that a study group turns out to be inefficient if too many people take part of it, as it becomes more difficult to coordinate, communicate with all members and maintain the necessary study discipline. Thus, an ideal size of a study group is around three to four people.
- Prepare the necessary reading before the meeting so that the group discussion can add value to your understanding.
Now, go find yourself a cozy and efficient study group and who knows, maybe studying will turn out to be actually pretty fun!