The Parent/Teacher Association of T. I. Ahmadiyya Secondary School, Kumasi was inaugurated on Saturday, 30th January, 1982 by the former headmaster Mr. Yusu K. Effah. The aim was to bring parents and teachers together for the welfare of the students and the school in general.
2. The P. T. A. converted a wooden structure in the school into a clinic at the cost of ¢ 38, 327.33 in march 1983 to cater for the welfare of students staff and their dependants.
Miss Ruqaya Ennin, a Nursing sister was temporarily in charge of the clinic, until in December, 1983 when a full time nurse was appointed and paid by the Government in the person of Miss Florence Mensah.
Each year the P. T. A. gives grant for the running of the clinic. The clinic was rehabilitated at the cost of ¢ 200,000.00 in 1993. Currently, the nurse in charge of the clinic is Miss Ernestina Mensah.
3. CORNMILL: The P. T. A. purchased a cornmill on 28th November 1993 at the cost of ¢195,600.00. In addition to the cost of the machine the P. T. A. constructed a structure to house the machine and purchased the necessary fittings for the installation of the machine at a total cost of ¢229,480.00. The total cost of the machine and its installation stood at ¢ 425,080 in 1983.
The aim for the purchase of the mill was to reduce the overhead cost of feeding students by milling all the corn-related food items in the school.
4. FURNITURE: In 1987 and 1988, the P. T. A. purchased 172 mono desks at a total cost of ¢894, 400.00 for the school.
5. INCENTIVE TO TEACHERS: In order to boost the morale of Teachers, the P. T. A. introduced in 1982, a Free lunch to Teachers. This incentive is still enjoyed by the Teaching as well as non-Teaching staff in the form of Noon snacks.
Furthermore, the P. T. A. introduced a Revolving fund in the form of a loan scheme to needy members of staff both teaching and non-teaching.
6. GIRLS’ HOSTEL: In 1989/90, the P. T A. constructed a Toilet facility for the girls hostel at eh cost of ¢1,000,000.00 to bring convenience to the Girls. Hitherto, the girls used the toilet facility at the classroom premises. In addition to the toilet facility, the P. T. A. has provided a shady verandah at eh hostel and provided Mesh and Net at the Hostels as well as ceiling Fans.
7. ACCOMODATION: The P. T. A. supplemented with an amount of ¢748,000.00 for the rehabilitation of the old Dining Hall and converted part into a Living Quarters for some masters. The second phase of the rehabilitation was carried out in 1989 when the P. T. A. spent ¢ 1,200,000.00 to convert the other part of the building for residence of Two housemistresses.
In 1993, the P. T. A. spent a total of ¢1,572, 150 to re-roof the whole building when leakages were detected. A further ¢355,000.00 was spent in the same year to rehabilitate three remaining rooms of the building.
Between 1991 and 1994, the P. T. A. constructed a block of flats housing five teachers at a total cost of ¢18,320, 100.00.
PRESENTATIONS: The P. T. A. has made several presentations to long service and dedicated workers, as follows:
i. The Late Mr. M . A. Sam he was presented with a Black and White T. V. set as a send off at the cost of ¢ 50,000.00 in 1989. Also Mr. K. Asumadu Yeboah was presented with a Radio Cassette recorder at ¢ 30,000.00.
ii. In, 1990, Mr. Yusuf K Effah, the former headmaster of the shool was presented with a 14” Colour T. V. at the cost of ¢ 110,000.00 as a send off.
iii. In 1991, the P. T. A. presented to the school a 24” Colour T.V. set at the cost of
¢ 350,000.00 and a Video Deck at the cost of ¢200,000.00.
iv. In 192, the P. T. A. honoured some hardworking and dedicated workers and non-teachers.
v. In 1993, the P. T. A. provided the school with a set of Track suits at the cost of ¢360,000.00 and at the same time sponsored the Triangular Games at the cost of ¢400,000.00.
In the same year, the P. T. A. purchased three water tanks at the total cost of ¢510,000.00 and an additional cost of ¢440,000.00 for its installation.
vi. In 1994, the P. T. A. contributed a total of ¢600,000.00 towards the funding of the speech and prize giving day.
Furthermore, the P. T. a. made presentations to the out-going members of the executive which included the following.
(a) the former Chairman Alhaj V. A. Essaka who had served as Chairman from 1982, to 1994 was presented with a 20” Colour T. V. set at the cost of ¢375, 000.00 other beneficiaries were:
(b) Mr. Adams Dawoode a Gas Cooker at ¢120,000.00
(c) Mr. J. K. Opoku, Mr. J. E. Opoku, Mr. T. F. Gambrah and Nana Wiredu Frempong Manso were presented with Radio cassettes at a total cost of ¢220,000,00.
vii. In 1995 the P. T. a. spent ¢1,632,000.00 on the water project for the school. In the same year Library Books worth ¢564, 000.00 were present to the school Library to assist students to improve their reading skills.
To crown it all for 1995, the P. T. A. has purchased a Benz Bus worth ¢19,600,000.00 and presented it to the School on the 4th November, 1995.